Answers to frequently asked questions about the Karat complex: energy consumption and landing platform

Answers to frequently asked questions about the Karat complex: energy consumption and landing platform

06 September 2024

The Karat transport and infrastructure complex

Unitsky String Technologies Inc. continues the cycle of materials with answers to frequently asked questions about the Karat transport and infrastructure complex. Where will passengers board and disembark? How much electricity does the uPod? Can the uBus move in reverse? The answers to these and other questions can be found in our publication.

What are the energy costs for the movement of the uBus Karat compared to traditional transport?

The energy consumption for the movement of the uBus Karat, when compared to a bus of similar passenger capacity, will be 3.5 times less.

The Karat transport and infrastructure complex

Is it possible to identify the uBus malfunction at an early stage?

In terms of the onboard control system, engineers have implemented new solutions for self-diagnosis of individual subsystems. This should potentially reduce the time required for troubleshooting. For example, in order to track whether there is enough freon in the microclimate system, you do not need to wait for a critical decrease in pressure. The built-in self-diagnosis function is responsible for monitoring this indicator. It takes into account the environmental conditions and compares them with the readings from pressure and temperature sensors.


At the same time, the graphical part of the engineering interface has been improved. This application shows the serviceability or malfunction of uPods, and it has expanded the management capabilities for nodes in various transport systems. The new functionality allows users to quickly locate any malfunctions.

Where will passengers board and disembark?

For these purposes, a suspended landing platform has been constructed. This is a simple, yet functional installation consisting of a reinforced concrete base with a metal structure placed on it for passenger access to transport. The capacity will be 2,500-3,000 passengers per hour (for the uBus Karat U4-212). The total area is 110 m2.

Compared to the platforms on the second level, this one is more accessible for passengers. It is located on the ground floor, so there is no need to climb stairs or take an elevator. Additionally, its design allows it to be adjusted vertically for the convenient operation of different-sized uPods.

The Karat transport and infrastructure complex

Can a uBus move backwards on rails?

Yes, the uPod can move at the same speed in the opposite direction as well. The direction of the uBus movement is determined by the design of its undercarriage, suspension systems, traction control systems, and external body contours.



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