Towards global partnerships: uSky Transport discusses cooperation with Oman and Brazil

Towards global partnerships: uSky Transport discusses cooperation with Oman and Brazil

28 October 2023

uSky Transport, a company specializing in innovative transport and infrastructure solutions, continues to actively engage the global community with the promise of its technology.

Delegations from Oman and Brazil recently visited the company's centers to explore the technologies on offer and opportunities to solve transportation challenges in their respective regions.

  • This week, the company hosted a delegation from Oman that was looking for solutions to the transportation challenges facing their country, including traffic congestion and limited public transportation options.

The delegation seriously appreciated the capabilities of the management and dispatch control system presented by the company. They were convinced of the ease of operation of the system and software. During the visit, the safety of the technology and uSky Transport's strategic goals were also discussed. Due to the demonstration of the capabilities of uSky technology, representatives from Oman expressed interest in cooperation, especially after the demonstration of the new uBus Carat electric vehicle. This visit generated significant interest in the opportunities that uSky Transport offers to modernize Oman's transport system.

  • Following the delegation from Oman, uSky Transport was visited by representatives from Brazil. The delegation, consisting of mayors from various cities and states, visited the company's test center to see the latest developments in high-speed and electric transport.

Of particular interest to the Brazilian representatives were the uCar, which is designed to operate in extreme temperatures, and the uCont cargo vehicle, which is suitable for logistics centers and mining companies. This is not the first time that representatives from Brazil have visited uSky Transport, showing a genuine interest in its transportation solutions. They are seriously exploring the possibilities of implementing uSky technology to solve current transportation and environmental problems in Brazil. The characteristics of uCar and uCont vehicles, such as adaptability to extreme conditions and potential for sustainable logistics, make uSky Transport's offerings attractive to cities and states in Brazil. Ongoing interactions and repeat visits indicate the potential for long-term cooperation between uSky Transport and Brazilian partners, further confirming the company's strategic commitment to expand its services in the international market. It also sends a positive signal to current and potential investors, confirming the high commercial potential and global interest in uSky Transport's developments.

Learn more about the opportunity to invest in this technology on the official resources of the RSW Systems crowdfunding platform.

The scientific community is also not left out of uSky Transport innovations. The approach to the development of transportation solutions was highlighted at the international conference on transportation and logistics at the Belarusian State University of Transport.

During the conference, scientific papers by Anatoly Unitsky, the founder of uSky Transport, were presented that emphasize the company's strategic and engineering approach to solving transportation and logistics problems on a global level. The papers cover the development of transport and infrastructure complexes and emphasize the importance of a system approach in the transport industry.

  • In the light of these events it is impossible not to mention the release of Anatoly Unitsky's autobiography "The World Engineer".

The book tells about his professional path and research in the field of string transportation systems. It highlights the idea of rocket-free space exploration through geospace structure, which served as the basis for the development of ground-based string transportation. This technology promises an alternative to existing transportation systems. Unitsky proposes a transition from a technocratic to a biospheric path of development as a solution to global problems. The book is available in Russian, English and Vietnamese, inviting readers to understand Unitsky's ambitions to create innovative technologies to improve global transportation infrastructure.

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