RIIM Pune India students experience innovative uSky Transport & Infrastructure Technology

RIIM Pune India students experience innovative uSky Transport & Infrastructure Technology

27 September 2024

Two large groups of students from Ramchandran International Institute of Management (RIIM Pune) have visited uSky Test & Certification Centre. This trip was an important milestone in educational programme of students who study innovative solutions in business and transport. During this visit, participants were able not only to get acquainted with theoretical aspects of the innovative uSky Transport & Infrastructure Technology, but also to see it in action.

Students of RIIM Pune were shown to uSky's technology solutions and their potential for urban environments and global logistics systems. And young engineers went to personally study uSky tech with great interest and enthusiasm. These young professionals had a unique opportunity to personally communicate with engineers and developers, learn more about processes of creating transport systems and discuss their possible implementation in different parts of the world.

Visit of RIIM Pune students to uSky Transport is a perfect example of how educational programmes can and should be complemented by practical knowledge and experience

Modern transport tech presented by uSky Transport inspired students to new achievements and gave valuable insight into the future of transport industry

The following aspects attracted particular attention from students:

  • Environmental friendliness. With increasing attention to environmental issues, uSky Transport technologies represent an important step towards reducing carbon emissions. Thanks to using electric uPods this transport becomes one of the most eco-friendly solutions.

  • Commercial viability. Building elevated transport systems requires significantly lower costs than traditional road and rail networks, thus making uSky Transport & Infrastructure Solutions attractive to cities seeking infrastructure development on limited budgets.

  • Speed and safety. uSky Transport & Infrastructure Technology combines high travel speeds with maximum safety. This makes for faster and safer travel than traditional modes of transport such as cars or trains.

Students raised topics such as possible application of string transport in India, problems with logistics and mobility in megacities, as well as prospects for development of uSky Transport & Infrastructure Technology in emerging markets

Visit to uSky Test & Certification Centre opens new opportunities for partnership between RIIM Pune and uSky Transport. Participants of this visit expressed hope for further knowledge exchange programs that will allow students to dive deeper into innovative developments and bring their ideas to the industry

Visiting uSky Test & Certification Centre is an excellent opportunity for RIIM Pune students to expand their knowledge about modern transport tech and its impact on global processes. This experience has also inspired new ideas and projects that can be implemented as part of future careers of aspiring professionals.



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